Life Within

When you hear the words, life within what comes to mind?   If you’re like me, you visualize a ball: either held delicately in your hands; or surrounding you, cradling your body within its orb. Life within comfort; life within love; or life within your spiritual path. Though we feel supported from time to time,…

Soothing Spring Oatmeal Bath

Spring is here!  Warm weather is around the corner, sunshine is beckoning from your windows and your skin is crying, “let me out!!” If you’re like me, your skin goes through stages. There’s the usual… We’re histamines, we react to anything so be gentle.  Find anything comfortable to wear that doesn’t expose or irritate our…

Enriched | Fortified |Refined | Pasteurized

Those ever elusive words that plaster the products lining the aisles of your favorite grocery store; enriched, fortified, refined and pasteurized. What do they really mean?  Why are these processes performed, and what are they doing to our bodies? According to the USDA we should be consuming wheat and dairy products on a daily basis…

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or Sodium Lauryl Sulfaocetate is an emulsifier, detergent or wetting ingredient; derived from nature and altered by man. But why? The transformation is one that boggles my mind.  Something beautiful, nutrient rich and sustainable transformed it into a harmful, drying additive found in everything from lotions and mouthwash to laundry detergent.…